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Dr Saeed Hassan

Dr Saeed offers a signature Allurion weight loss program at CosmoHealth Clinics; we proudly offer the revolutionary Allurion Gastric Balloon, a non-surgical weight loss solution that empowers individuals to achieve their wellness goals. Our expert team guides patients through a seamless process, beginning with a simple, 20-minute procedure where a deflated balloon is swallowed and inflated in the stomach. The Allurion Gastric Balloon offers a non-surgical weight-loss solution with no need for surgery, endoscopy, or anesthesia. This 6-month holistic program includes the Allurion Balloon, nutritional support, the Allurion Connected Scale, and a Health Tracker App, providing a comprehensive and convenient approach to achieving sustainable weight loss.

The Allurion Gastric Balloon is a catalyst for effective weight loss by creating a feeling of fullness, aiding in portion control and promoting healthier eating habits. The entire experience is conducted without the need for surgery or anaesthesia, ensuring a comfortable and safe journey to a transformed body.

Our comprehensive approach extends beyond the balloon placement, as our dedicated professionals provide ongoing support and personalized weight loss programs. At CosmoHealth, we prioritize your well-being, combining innovative technology with compassionate care to help you achieve sustainable and long-lasting results. Join us on your transformative journey to a healthier, more vibrant life with the Allurion Gastric Balloon at CosmoHealth Centres.

 يقدم الدكتور سعيد برنامج البالون المعدي  لفقدان الوزن (ألورين) المميز في عيادات كوزموهيلث المنتشرة في الامارات. وهو حلٌ غير جراحي لفقدان الوزن يمكّن الأفراد من تحقيق أهدافهم في الصحة. يرشد فريقنا المتخصص المرضى من خلال عملية سلسة، تبدأ بإجراء بسيط يستغرق أقل من ٢٠ دقيقة، حيث يُبتلع بالون غير مُنتفخ ويتم نفخه في المعدة بملئه بالماء. يقدم بالون المعدة (ألورين)  حلاً لفقدان الوزن بدون جراحة ولا حاجة للفحص الهضمي أو التخدير. يشمل هذا البرنامج الشامل لمدة 6 أشهر: البالون المعدي (ألورين)، والدعم الغذائي، وميزان الوزن المتصل بـ ألورين، وتطبيق تتبع الصحة، مما يوفر نهجًا شاملاً ومريحًا لتحقيق فقدان الوزن المستدام.

يعتبر بالون المعدة (ألورين) حافزًا لفقدان الوزن الفعّال من خلال إحساس بالشبع، والمساعدة في التحكم في كمية الطعام المتناولة.ء وتعزيز عادات الأكل الصحية. يتم إجراء التجربة بأكملها بدون الحاجة إلى عملية جراحية أو تخدير، مما يضمن رحلة مريحة وآمنة نحو جسم متحول.

يمتد نهجنا الشامل بعد وضع البالون، حيث يقدم فريقنا المتفاني دعمًا مستمرًا وبرامج فقدان الوزن الشخصية.

في كوزموهيلث ، نعتبر صحتك أولوية، حيث نجمع بين التكنولوجيا الابتكارية والرعاية المتفانية لمساعدتك في تحقيق نتائج مستدامة ودائمة. انضم إلينا في رحلتك التحولية نحو حياة أكثر صحة ونشاطًا مع بالون المعدة ألورين في مراكز كوزموهيلث .

"Let’s take the first step together.
No surgery, no endoscopy, no anesthesia. Just results"

Kickstart your weight-loss journey

Capsule Allurion held with two fingers


Allurion Gastric Balloon placement

Allurion Gastric Balloon placement is straightforward, requiring no endoscopy or anaesthesia. The process begins with swallowing a capsule containing the deflated balloon, making it a convenient and straightforward option for those seeking a non-surgical weight loss solution.

توضع بالون المعدة ألورين بشكل مباشر وسهل ، دون الحاجة إلى تنظير أو تخدير. تبدأ العملية بابتلاع كبسولة تحتوي على البالون ، مما يجعله خيارًا مريحًا وسهلاً لأولئك الذين   يبحثون عن حل  غير جراحي لفقدان الوزن 


Medical follow up and Awareness

CosmoHealth's 6-month weight-loss program integrates the Allurion Balloon for comprehensive, personalized support, emphasizing overall well-being. The focus is on ensuring a sustained and effective weight loss journey with the Allurion Gastric Balloon.

  في كوزموهيلث نحن ندمج برنامج بالون ألورين لفقدان الوزن لمدة 6 أشهر مع دعم شامل وشخصي، مع التركيز على الرفاهية العامة. الهدف هو ضمان رحلة فقدان الوزن فعّالة ومستمرة باستخدام بالون المعدة



Dietary Follow up

Post-Allurion Gastric Balloon placement, vital dietary follow-up is supported by tools like Nutritional guidance, Allurion Connected Scale, Health Tracker, and the App. These resources empower patients with personalized insights for long-term weight management success.

بعد وضع بالون المعدة ألورين، تتم المتابعة الغذائية الحيوية بواسطة أدوات مثل الإرشاد الغذائي وميزان ذكي ومتتبع الصحة والتطبيق الذكي في هاتفك المحمول. تمكن هذه الموارد المرضى من الاستفادة من رؤى شخصية لضمان نجاح إدارة الوزن على المدى الطويل.

the Allurion smart capsule الكبسولة الذكية
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Greater results with less struggle

          Unlocking Weight Loss Success with Allurion: A Comprehensive Approach

      Embarking on a weight loss journey can be challenging, but achieving your goals with the innovative Allurion Balloon becomes a reality. Here's a breakdown of its pivotal role in kick-starting your transformative journey:


  • Efficient Kick-Start: The balloon jump-starts your weight loss journey, creating a lasting impact in just 15 minutes.

  •  Curbing Appetite: By inducing a feeling of fullness, the balloon helps control portions and curbs unnecessary snacking, promoting healthier eating habits.

  • Rapid Results: Witness remarkable changes with an average weight loss of 10 to 15% of your body weight or 10 to 15 kg within a short 16-week period.

  • Swift Placement: The process is quick and non-intrusive, taking just 15 minutes for placement, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

استكشاف أفق النجاح في فقدان الوزن مع ألوريون: نهج شامل

يعتبر بدء رحلة فقدان الوزن  تحديًا، ولكن تحقيق أهدافك مع بالون ألوريون المبتكر يصبح واقعًا. فيما يلي تفصيل دوره

المحوري في بدء رحلتك نحو وزن أقل وشكل أجمل

انطلاق فعّال: يقوم البالون بتسارع رحلتك في فقدان الوزن، محققًا تأثيرًا دائمًا في غضون 15 دقيقة فقط.

تقليل الشهية: من خلال إحداث شعور بالامتلاء، يساعد البالون في التحكم في الحصص وتقليل التناول غير الضروري، مع تعزيز عادات تناول طعام أكثر صحة.

نتائج سريعة: شاهد تغييرات ملحوظة مع فقدان وزن متوسط يصل إلى 10 إلى 15٪ من وزن جسمك أو 10 إلى 15 كجم خلال فترة قصيرة تبلغ 16 أسبوعًا.

وضع سريع: العملية سريعة وغير متداخلة، تستغرق مجرد 15 دقيقة للوضع، مما يضمن تأثيرًا أدنى على روتينك اليومي.

عائلة ألورين The set Allurion balloon programme contain the scale, watch application, the balloon and the catheter.
  • Sustained Success: Enjoy the assurance of 95% sustained weight loss at the one-year mark, showcasing the long-term effectiveness of the Allurion Balloon.

But the journey doesn't end there; the Allurion Connected Scale, Health Tracker, and App play an integral role in sustaining your progress:

  • Precision Monitoring: The Connected Scale ensures accurate weight tracking, providing real-time data for informed decision-making.

  • Holistic Health Tracking: The Health Tracker and App offer a comprehensive overview, tracking not only weight but also key health metrics, empowering you to make informed choices.

Incorporating these elements, the Allurion system ensures a holistic and personalized approach to your weight loss journey, making success achievable and sustainable.

النجاح المستدام: تمتع بثقة فقدان الوزن المستدام بنسبة 95٪ عند الوصول إلى علامة السنة الواحدة، مظهرًا للفاعلية الطويلة الأمد لبالون ألوريون.

ولكن الرحلة لا تنتهي هنا؛ فميزان ألوريون المتصل ومتتبع الصحة والتطبيق يلعبان دورًا أساسيًا في الحفاظ على تقدمك:

رصد دقيق: يضمن الميزان المتصل تتبع الوزن بدقة، وتوفير بيانات فورية لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة.

تتبع صحي شامل: يقدم متتبع الصحة والتطبيق نظرة شاملة، يتتبعان ليس فقط الوزن ولكن أيضًا المؤشرات الرئيسية للصحة، مما يمكنك من اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة.

من خلال دمج هذه العناصر، يضمن نظام ألوريون نهجًا شاملاً وشخصيًا في رحلتك لفقدان الوزن، مما يجعل النجاح قابلاً ومستدامًا.




            Obesity Surgery · Aug 8, 2015

          Gastrointestinal Endoscopy · Apr 14, 2015
Screenshot 2023-06-10 at 14.49.46.png

our patients' testimonials

N.K., France

My balloon experience has come to an end. I thank you for your help in choosing the balloon. Thank God, from 97 kg, I lost 76 kg without deprivation. My choice of the balloon changed my life... I will continue with Dr. Shahd’s diet.
Thanks for your advice. Now, do I advise everyone who wants to lose weight without surgery? We advise you to use a balloon.

Monika Toth, UAE

Very friendly staff and really professional. I went to get a gastric balloon and had a really good experience. Got constant checkups and guidance for the next steps. They truly care for the patient's health and well-being. Everyone is super friendly and helpful.

Usually the parking in this area is horrible, but they have their own parking in the building so that made it very convenient.

Highly highly recommend!

Hiba, UAE

The best Doctor to do the Gastric Balloon Surgery ever. 6 month went very smooth. Even the procedure took less time and no stress was ever there. Just excitement 😆. Thank you Dr Saeed.

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Dr Saeed, Which balloon is good for me?

Dr Saeed, Which balloon is good for me?

تشغيل الفيديو
Sabah Al Khair Ya Arab

Sabah Al Khair Ya Arab

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Dr Saeed I Hassan's patient

Dr Saeed I Hassan's patient

تشغيل الفيديو
the scale showing the levels of BMI body mass index كتلة الجسم

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a numerical measure that assesses a person's weight in relation to their height. It's calculated by dividing an individual's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. BMI provides a general indication of body fat and is commonly used to categorize weight status.

 هو قياس رقمي يقيم وزن الشخص بالنسبة لطوله. يتم حسابه عن طريق قسمة وزن الفرد في الكيلوجرام على مربع طوله في المتر. يوفر تقديرًا عامًا لنسبة الدهون في الجسم ويُستخدم عادة لتصنيف حالة الوزن.

  • What is the Allurion Gastric Balloon?
    A gastric balloon is a weight loss solution that involves placing a soft, inflatable balloon in the stomach to reduce its capacity and help you feel fuller faster and stay fuller for longer. It is considered safe and a less invasive alternative to weight loss surgery. The balloon stays in the stomach for a period of time, usually several months, during which it helps you to eat smaller portions, consume fewer calories, and achieve significant weight loss. After this residence period, the balloon deflates and is removed either through endoscopy, or in the case of the Allurion Balloon, passes out of the body naturally.
  • How is the Balloon placed?
    The placement takes place during a less than 15-minute outpatient visit. Allurion is the first gastric balloon that requires no endoscopy* or anaesthesia for placement or removal. Simply swallow a capsule containing the deflated Balloon with a catheter: once the Balloon is confirmed to be in your stomach via x-ray, the Balloon is filled with water through a catheter. A second x-ray takes place to ensure the Balloon is filled correctly.
  • How much weight can be lost with the Allurion Program?
    After approximately 16 weeks of the Allurion Program, multiple clinical studies have demonstrated that patients lose on average 10-15% of their total body weight. If you still want to lose more weight, a second Allurion Balloon can be placed after completing the first program where you can expect to lose almost 23% of your total body weight after 12 months.
  • How is the balloon removed?
    After approximately 16 weeks inside your stomach, a time-activated release valve will open, allowing the balloon to empty and pass naturally through the gastrointestinal tract without the need for a removal procedure.* *In rare cases, the Allurion Balloon may require endoscopic or surgical intervention for removal.
  • What happens after the balloon has passed?
    After the Allurion Balloon passes, the Allurion Program and the related support from your healthcare team continues for one month. At the end of the Allurion Program, you should continue your healthy lifestyle habits. One clinical study showed that 96% of the average weight loss with the Allurion Balloon was sustained at 1-year follow-up.
  • How much weight can be lost with the Allurion Program?
    After approximately 16 weeks of the Allurion Program, multiple clinical studies have demonstrated that patients lose on average 10-15% of their total body weight.* If you still want to lose more weight, a second Allurion Balloon can be placed after completing the first program where you can expect to lose almost 23% of your total body weight after 12 months.1
  • Will I put the weight back on?
    A temporary balloon does not mean temporary weight loss. Up to 96% of weight loss may be sustained 12 months after the Allurion Balloon exits the body.1
  • Is the Allurion Program better than dieting alone?
    Yes! The Allurion Program, a combination of our unique swallowable gastric balloon and a supported lifestyle change program, leads to nearly 2.5 times the weight loss than a lifestyle change program alone, according to an independent study.3 In another study, three-quarters of participants who attempted to lose weight over a year through calorie-controlled or restricted diets (72% of participants), exercise programs or courses (22%), and pharmaceutical treatments (12%), did not achieve a clinically meaningful weight loss defined as at least 5% of their body weight.4 The evidence shows that these isolated methods alone are not enough. The 6-month Allurion Program combines medical support and a weight-loss device (Allurion Gastric Balloon), digital tools (Allurion Connected Scale, Allurion Health Tracker and Allurion App) and nutritional coaching to kick-start your weight loss and help you form lifelong healthy habits to maintain the weight loss.
  • Which is better, weight-loss drugs or Allurion?
    The best weight management treatment is personal to you, dependent on factors like your goals, health and wellbeing and preferences, etc. There are a range of effective treatments out there, and increasingly people use multiple treatments in combination and succession. Many people find fast, significant and sustainable weight loss following the Allurion Program, meaning for them it is an ideal first-line treatment. For some patients, during or after the Allurion Program, they may consider the addition of weight-loss drugs if advised by their expert clinic team. To find your best treatment option, speak with an Allurion advisor who will be able to direct you to a doctor in our partner clinics.
  • Is it possible to combine the Allurion Program with a weight loss drug?
    Most people on the Allurion Program achieve their weight loss goals with the Allurion Program alone, but yes, for some it may be possible to combine other therapies, such as weight loss medications, into their journey. Research has shown promising weight loss results when the therapies are combined. In a recent study, 92% of patients achieved their goals with the Program alone. Patients who then combined the Allurion Program with Saxenda® (liraglutide) achieved an average total body weight loss of nearly 19% after approximately 4 months of combined treatment, with no serious adverse events reported. (ref 1) In another recent study, patients following the Allurion Programme with oral semaglutide achieved an average weight loss of over 18% after this combined treatment. Overall, the results of these two studies highlight the safety and effectiveness of this combination therapy, demonstrating its potential to improve weight loss outcomes and duration for some people under the Allurion Program. 1. Ienca R, Ayuso L, Shahin M. Presented at ECO 2023. 2. Bhandari M, Mathur W, Kosta S, Reddy M. Presented at IFSO 2023.
  • What are the differences between the Allurion Balloon and other gastric balloons?
    The Allurion Balloon is the world’s first and only gastric balloon without the need for surgery, endoscopy* or anesthesia for balloon placement and removal. The balloon is swallowed as a capsule during a 15-minute placement which means less downtime or time off work for our patients. Designed to pass naturally at approximately 16 weeks, the Allurion Balloon maximizes weight loss while minimizing time spent in the body, making it a more effective option than longer 6-month endoscopic balloons, where 80% of weight loss is achieved within the first 3 months.(ref 1) The Allurion Balloon is a safer option, with fewer side effects. It has a significantly lower intolerance rate compared to 12-month endoscopic balloons (1-3% vs 14.4%) (ref 2,3), with an overall serious adverse event rate that is 10 times lower than other liquid-filled balloons.(ref 4-10) Made from vegan polyurethane, a material that’s much thinner and more flexible than the silicone material in endoscopic balloons, the Allurion Balloon flexes and adapts as your stomach moves, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit. References: 1. Gaur et al. 2015, GI Endoscopy 2. Jamal MH et al., [published online ahead of print, 2021 Sep 30]. Obes Surg. 2021;1-6.​ 3. Ienca R, Al Jarallah M, Caballero A, et al. The Procedureless Elipse Gastric Balloon Program: Multicenter Experience in 1770 Consecutive Patients. Obes Surg. 2020;30(9):3354-3362
  • What are the references from the literature for the these frequent asked questions?
    * Ienca et al. Obes Surg. 2020 2. Vantanasiri et al. Obes Surg 2020. ** Ienca, Presented at TOS Obesity Week, 2020. *** In rare cases, the Allurion Balloon may require endoscopic or surgical intervention for removal. **** The Allurion Balloon must be used in conjunction with a supervised nutrition and behavior modification program. Allurion advises a 6-month follow-up. Its duration is defined by the physician and may vary depending on the physician and patient profile. Quote from Lucy Jones, dietician Clinical Trial Reports: DAA069 and DAA105 Jamal et al. Obes Surg. 2019 Apr;29(4):1236-1241. Raftopoulos and Giannakou. SOARD. 2017 Jul;13(7):1174-1182. Al Sabah, S., et al. SOARD. 2018, 14(3), 311-317. Machytka E et al. Endoscopy. 2017 Feb;49(2):154-160. Genco et al. Obes Surg 2017,DOI 10.1007/s11695-017-2877-1 Al-Subaie S et al. Int J Surg. 2017 Dec;48:16-22. Ienca et al. Submitted to SOARD. Abstract A278, presented at Obesity Week, 2018, Nashville, USA Genco et al. Abstract A185. Oral Presentation at Obesity Week, 2018, Nashville, USA Ienca et al. Abstract 237, presented at IFSO 2019, Madrid, Spain Raftopoulos et al. Abstract 1978. Presented at ACS 2019, San Francisco, United States Ienca et al. Presented at TOS 2020 Please read the Elipse balloon IFU for further information: Ienca et al. Accepted abstract at Obesity Week 2020

Practice Locations

CosmoHealth Medical Centres
Head Of Department

Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Alkhaima

For appointment:

Tel: +9714150555 Sharjah

       +9714150500 Marina

       +9714150550  Mirdif

       +97144150505 Jumaira

       +97144150544 Ras Alkaima

       +97144150515 Ajman


The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital

Building 73
Umm Hurair 2, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

for surgery

00971 553562018
Dubai Healthcare City

© 2024 by Dr Saeed I Hassan

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